Download Game Harvest Moon Back To Nature Bahasa Indonesia PSX Emulator
Hai Semuanya, Anda semua tau kan game ini, saya akan memberikan sebuah game kepada anda yaitu game Harvest Moon Back To Nature Bahasa Indonesia yang menggunakan PSX Emulator. sebelum memainkan game harvest moon yang harus kalian download adalah :
1. Download PSX Emulatornya, click atu copy paste link di bawah ini :
Link :
2. Download Game Harvest Moon-nya, click atau copy paste link di bawah ini :
Link :
3. Download Cheater-nya Kalaw anda mau nanti gua tau copy paste link di bawah ini :
Link :
4. Ada Juga Tips Cara Memainkan Game Harvest Moon, Click link di bawah ini :
Link :
Cara Main :
1. Kalaw sudah di download psx emulatornya harus di setting dulu, sebelum di setting extra file dulu kemudian buka psx emulatornya. Kalaw sudah, buka psx-nya, yang harus anda setting adalah :
- click CONFIG
- kemudian click WIZARD GUIDE
- lalau ada baca'an WELCOME TO THE EPSXE CONFIG SETUP [1/7] kamu
click CONFIG>>
- configuring the bios [2/7] kamu click SCPH 1001 - USA (recommended)
lalu click next>>
- configuring the video [3/7] kamu click P.E.Op.S. soft driver 1.18
lalu click next>>
- configuring the sounds [4/7] kamu click ePSXe SPU core 1.7.0.
lalu click next>>
- configuring the Cdrom [5/7] kamu click ePSXe CDR WNT/W2K core1.7.0.
lalu click next>>
- configuring the pads [6/7] kamu stting sendiri game pad-nya susuai yang anda inginkan (control 1)
lalu click next>>
- ePSXe Configuring [7/7] click done.
2. kalau selesai download game harvest moon-nya, extra file dulu. kemudian buka
ePSXe-nya yang udah di setting. lalu click file kemudian click lagi RUN Iso dan cari game harvest moon
yang sudah di extra file. selesai tinggal main-nya aja.
3. kalaw sudah di download psx cheater-nya, di install dulu kemudian ada install yang kosong kamu simpan
di PLUGIN terletak di data ePSXe-nya.
kalaw sudah di install. click cheater-nya.
kemudian kamu click file yang ada di pojok kiri. lalu clik user data base, lalu buat add cheat kemudian
beri nama misal HARVEST MOON CHEAT kemudian masukkan code di bawah ada 2 kolom masukkan
- Ini gan code cheat harvest moon-nya :
80070CF8 0006 Freeze Clock at 6:00AM (note that time doesn't actually
80070CFA 0000 freeze with this code; only the clock does)
80070D02 0168 Freeze time at 6:00AM (this one really DOES freeze time, but
it doesn't affect the clock)
80070D38 03E7 Maximum Lumber
80070D3A 03E7 Maximum Fodder
80070D3E 03E7 Maximum Fish Food
80070D40 03E7 Maximum Chicken Feed
800712BC 000A Have 10 Power Berries (NOTE: This doesn't actually boost your
stamina to 200! It only changes how many Power Berries show up in the
80071A1E 0002 Have 8 Rucksack Spaces (NOTE: Don't use this code! The game
thinks you still have the small rucksack, and you won't be able to store
items in your pack after you've put two items into it)
80071A40 FFFF Sickle is at 400%
80071A42 FFFF Hoe is at 400%
80071A44 FFFF Axe is at 400%
80071A46 FFFF Hammer is at 400%
80071A48 FFFF Watering Can is at 400%
80071A12 00C8 Stamina Never Runs Out (frozen at 200)
800711C4 0### Turnips Shipped
800711C6 0### Potatoes Shipped
800711C8 0### Cucumbers Shipped
800711CA 0### Strawberries Shipped
800711CC 0### Cabbages Shipped
800711CE 0### Tomatoes Shipped
800711D0 0### Corn Shipped
800711D2 0### Onions Shipped
800711D4 0### Pumpkins Shipped
800711D6 0### Pineapples Shipped
800711D8 0### Eggplants Shipped
800711DA 0### Carrots Shipped
800711DC 0### Sweet Potatoes Shipped
800711DE 0### Spinach Shipped
800711E0 0### Green Peppers Shipped
800711E2 0### Eggs Shipped
800711E4 0### Mayonnaise Shipped
800711E6 0### Milk Shipped
800711E8 0### Cheese Shipped
800711EA 0### Wool Shipped
800711EC 0### Yarn Balls Shipped
And some more discovered by me:
800711EE 0### Fish Shipped
800711F0 0### Blue Grass Shipped
800711F2 0### Red Grass Shipped
800711F4 0### Green Grass Shipped
30074302 00FF Chicken 1 has 10 Hearts
300743B6 00FF Chicken 2 has 10 Hearts
3007446A 00FF Chicken 3 has 10 Hearts
3007451E 00FF Chicken 4 has 10 Hearts
300745D2 00FF Chicken 5 has 10 Hearts
30074686 00FF Chicken 6 has 10 Hearts
3007473A 00FF Chicken 7 has 10 Hearts
300747EE 00FF Chicken 8 has 10 Hearts
300748A2 00FF Chicken 9 has 10 Hearts
30074956 00FF Chicken 10 has 10 Hearts
30074A0A 00FF Barn Animal 1 has 10 Hearts
30074AC2 00FF Barn Animal 2 has 10 Hearts
30074B7A 00FF Barn Animal 3 has 10 Hearts
30074C32 00FF Barn Animal 4 has 10 Hearts
30074CEA 00FF Barn Animal 5 has 10 Hearts
30074DA2 00FF Barn Animal 6 has 10 Hearts
30074E5A 00FF Barn Animal 7 has 10 Hearts
30074F12 00FF Barn Animal 8 has 10 Hearts
30074FCA 00FF Barn Animal 9 has 10 Hearts
30075082 00FF Barn Animal 10 has 10 Hearts
3007513A 00FF Barn Animal 11 has 10 Hearts
300751F2 00FF Barn Animal 12 has 10 Hearts
300752AA 00FF Barn Animal 13 has 10 Hearts
30075362 00FF Barn Animal 14 has 10 Hearts
3007541A 00FF Barn Animal 15 has 10 Hearts
300754D2 00FF Barn Animal 16 has 10 Hearts
3007558A 00FF Barn Animal 17 has 10 Hearts
30075642 00FF Barn Animal 18 has 10 Hearts
300756FA 00FF Barn Animal 19 has 10 Hearts
300757B2 00FF Barn Animal 20 has 10 Hearts
300759FA 00FF Dog has 10 Hearts
30075AEA 00FF Horse has 10 Hearts
80070D3C 00?? Fish in Pond (set anywhere between 0 and 63, same for both;
8012722E 00?? changes don't seem to stay, though!)
80127232 0000 No dead animals (changes won't stay)
80071A5C 967F Maximum Gold
80071A5E 0098
80071A60 967F Maximum Horse Race Medals
80071A62 0098
800711FC 967F Maximum Season's Earnings
800711FE 0098
80071200 0000 No Season's Expenses
800767A0 #### Karen's Affection
80076EF0 #### Ann's Affection
80077298 #### Elli's Affection
80077BBC #### Mary's Affection
800786B4 #### Popuri's Affection
0000 to 1337 = Black heart
1338 to 4E1F = Purple heart
4E20 to 752F = Blue heart
7530 to 9C3F = Green heart
9C40 to C34F = Yellow heart
C350 to EA5F = Orange heart
EA60 to FFFF = Red heart
Here are a few useful codes that sniperscope figured out:
300712F8 0001 Barn Feed Bin 1 Full
300712F9 0001 Barn Feed Bin 2 Full
300712FA 0001 Barn Feed Bin 3 Full
300712FB 0001 Barn Feed Bin 4 Full
300712FC 0001 Barn Feed Bin 5 Full
300712FD 0001 Barn Feed Bin 6 Full
300712FE 0001 Barn Feed Bin 7 Full
300712FF 0001 Barn Feed Bin 8 Full
30071300 0001 Barn Feed Bin 9 Full
30071301 0001 Barn Feed Bin 10 Full
30071302 0001 Barn Feed Bin 11 Full
30071303 0001 Barn Feed Bin 12 Full
30071304 0001 Barn Feed Bin 13 Full
30071305 0001 Barn Feed Bin 14 Full
30071306 0001 Barn Feed Bin 15 Full
30071307 0001 Barn Feed Bin 16 Full
30071308 0001 Barn Feed Bin 17 Full
30071309 0001 Barn Feed Bin 18 Full
3007130A 0001 Barn Feed Bin 19 Full
3007130B 0001 Barn Feed Bin 20 Full
3007130E 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 1 Full
3007130F 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 2 Full
30071310 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 3 Full
30071311 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 4 Full
30071312 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 5 Full
30071313 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 6 Full
30071314 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 7 Full
30071315 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 8 Full
30071316 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 9 Full
30071317 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 10 Full
This one was also devised by sniperscope:
8012DB4B 0000 Near-instant bite during fishing (you still need to hold down
the Square button, but not for long; the longest it will take is 2 seconds)
And finally, here's a few GameShark codes that I myself invented! I've
noticed that a few of these popped up on CMGSCCC "mysteriously" not too
long ago, despite the fact that I never submitted them... Maybe I just
never noticed them before, but it still seems suspicious.
30075A90 00## Dog's intelligence
30075B80 00## Horse's stamina
D005E874 ???? Joker Command
D005E87C ???? Joker Command
D01231F4 ???? Joker Command
Yes, there are three Joker commands, all of them normal Jokers. They all
work, too! What the heck is a Joker command anyway, you ask? When
enabled, Joker codes will cause the code right after them to only execute
when the conditions in the Joker Command variable are met, meaning that you
can make codes only work when you want them to (via button presses). The
values to use for these codes are as follows:
0000 - Nothing
0001 - L2
0002 - R2
0004 - L1
0008 - R1
0010 - Triangle
0020 - O
0040 - X
0080 - Square
0100 - Select
0800 - Start
1000 - Up
2000 - Right
4000 - Down
8000 - Left
To make a multi-button command, just add the digits together. Note that
these values are in hexadecimal, so (for example) L1 + R1 + R2 would be
000E. Also note that you should not use the last Joker command, as it
updates less often than the other two do.
80071AC2 #### Rucksack Slot 1 Modifier
80071AC8 #### Rucksack Slot 2 Modifier
80071ACE #### Rucksack Slot 3 Modifier
80071AD4 #### Rucksack Slot 4 Modifier
80071ADA #### Rucksack Slot 5 Modifier
80071AE0 #### Rucksack Slot 6 Modifier
80071AE6 #### Rucksack Slot 7 Modifier
80071AEC #### Rucksack Slot 8 Modifier
Kode" Ini memiliki penggunaan yg berbeda. Untu dgunakan ketika memasak, mereka menjadi
faktor "kelezatan" untuk lomba memasak tanggal 22 SPring.Untuk hal yg laenn,manfatnya belum dketahui..
Klo sekiranya tahu,hasilnya bagus untuk makanan, cepet" aja save angkanya..)
30074A1A 00?? Barn Animal 1 Mood Pattern
30074AD2 00?? Barn Animal 2 Mood Pattern
30074B8A 00?? Barn Animal 3 Mood Pattern
30074C42 00?? Barn Animal 4 Mood Pattern
30074CFA 00?? Barn Animal 5 Mood Pattern
30074DB2 00?? Barn Animal 6 Mood Pattern
30074E6A 00?? Barn Animal 7 Mood Pattern
30074F22 00?? Barn Animal 8 Mood Pattern
30074FDA 00?? Barn Animal 9 Mood Pattern
30075092 00?? Barn Animal 10 Mood Pattern
3007514A 00?? Barn Animal 11 Mood Pattern
30075202 00?? Barn Animal 12 Mood Pattern
300752BA 00?? Barn Animal 13 Mood Pattern
30075372 00?? Barn Animal 14 Mood Pattern
3007542A 00?? Barn Animal 15 Mood Pattern
300754E2 00?? Barn Animal 16 Mood Pattern
3007559A 00?? Barn Animal 17 Mood Pattern
30075652 00?? Barn Animal 18 Mood Pattern
3007570A 00?? Barn Animal 19 Mood Pattern
300757C2 00?? Barn Animal 20 Mood Pattern
Values for this so far are mostly unknown. Set to 0E to keep the animals
from moving about.
30074AA4 00## Barn Animal 1 Maturity
30074B5C 00## Barn Animal 2 Maturity
30074C14 00## Barn Animal 3 Maturity
30074CCC 00## Barn Animal 4 Maturity
30074D84 00## Barn Animal 5 Maturity
30074E3C 00## Barn Animal 6 Maturity
30074EF4 00## Barn Animal 7 Maturity
30074FAC 00## Barn Animal 8 Maturity
30075064 00## Barn Animal 9 Maturity
3007511C 00## Barn Animal 10 Maturity
300751D4 00## Barn Animal 11 Maturity
3007528C 00## Barn Animal 12 Maturity
30075344 00## Barn Animal 13 Maturity
300753FC 00## Barn Animal 14 Maturity
300754B4 00## Barn Animal 15 Maturity
3007546C 00## Barn Animal 16 Maturity
30075624 00## Barn Animal 17 Maturity
300756DC 00## Barn Animal 18 Maturity
30075794 00## Barn Animal 19 Maturity
3007584C 00## Barn Animal 20 Maturity
Set to 1F for maximum maturity.
80071A14 00C8 Maximum Stamina at 200
80071A16 0000 Never get sick (fatigue frozen at 0)
80070D14 #### Fish Shipped
800711EE #### Fish Shipped
30071A70 0000 Haven't littered at all
8007AD00 000? Today's Weather (does not actually change the weather, but
it does lead to some interesting situations)
8007AD02 000? Tomorrow's Weather (due to the way the save system works,
this will change the Weather to whatever you set it to for two days in a
row minimum, unless you set it up with a joker command)
0 = Sunny
1 = Rain
2 = Snow
3 = Hurricane
4 = Blizzard
300763F6 00## Jeff's affection
300765CA 00## Sasha's affection
30076972 00## Saibara's affection
30076B46 00## Gray's affection
30076D1A 00## Doug's affection
300770C2 00## Doctor's affection
3007746A 00## Pastor Carter's affection
3007763E 00## Cliff's affection
30077812 00## Basil's affection
300779E6 00## Anna's affection
30077D8E 00## Barley's affection
30077F62 00## May's affection
30078136 00## Mayor Thomas' affection
3007830A 00## Lillia's affection
300784DE 00## Rick's affection
30078886 00## Duke's affection
30078A5A 00## Manna's affection
30078C2E 00## Ellen's affection
30078E02 00## Gotz's affection
30078FD6 00## Kai's affection
30079552 00## Harris' affection
30079726 00## Kano's affection
300798FA 00## Gorumand's Affection
30079ACE 00## Louis' affection
30079CA2 00## Greg's affection
3007A04A 00## Stu's affection
3007A21E 00## Won's affection
3007A3F2 00## Your Baby's affection
3007A414 00## Your Baby's birthday (season)
3007A416 00## Your Baby's birthday (day)
3007A64E 00## Chef's affection
3007A746 00## Nappy's affection
3007A83E 00## Timid's affection
3007A936 00## Hoggy's affection
3007AA2E 00## Staid's affection
3007AB26 00## Bold's affection
3007AC1E 00## Aqua's affection
3007A6F0 000? Chef's Job
3007A6EC 00## Days left for Chef's Job
3007A6E6 00## Chef Harvesting Skill
3007A6E8 00## Chef Watering Skill
3007A6EA 00## Chef Animal Skill
3007A7E8 000? Nappy's Job
3007A7E4 00## Days left for Nappy's Job
3007A7DE 00## Nappy Harvesting Skill
3007A7E0 00## Nappy Watering Skill
3007A7E2 00## Nappy Animal Skill
3007A8E0 000? Timid's Job
3007A8DC 00## Days left for Timid's Job
3007A8D6 00## Timid Harvesting Skill
3007A8D8 00## Timid Watering Skill
3007A8DA 00## Timid Animal Skill
3007A9D8 000? Hoggy's Job
3007A9D4 00## Days left for Hoggy's Job
3007A9CE 00## Hoggy Harvesting Skill
3007A9D0 00## Hoggy Watering Skill
3007A9D2 00## Hoggy Animal Skill
3007AAD0 000? Staid's Job
3007AACC 00## Days left for Staid's Job
3007AAC6 00## Staid Harvesting Skill
3007AAC8 00## Staid Watering Skill
3007AACA 00## Staid Animal Skill
3007ABC8 000? Bold's Job
3007ABC4 00## Days left for Bold's Job
3007ABBE 00## Bold Harvesting Skill
3007ABC0 00## Bold Watering Skill
3007ABC2 00## Bold Animal Skill
3007ACC0 000? Aqua's Job
3007ACBC 00## Days left for Aqua's Job
3007ACB6 00## Aqua Harvesting Skill
3007ACB8 00## Aqua Watering Skill
3007ACBA 00## Aqua Animal Skill
Values for Harvest Sprite Jobs:
0 = Free
1 = Harvest the crops (sickle icon)
2 = Water the crops
3 = Harvest the crops (watering can icon)
4 = Take care of the animals
80071CC4 00?? Wedding Date (day of month)
80071CC2 00?? Wedding Date (season)
80071CC0 00?? Wedding Date (year)
800711F8 #### Total value of produce being shipped for the day
800711FA ####
300712C0 00## Total items currently in the basket
800712F4 #### Total value of produce in the basket
800712F6 ####
Gak akan Pernah badai!!
D007AD02 0003
8007AD02 0000
D007AD02 0004
8007AD02 0000
Tekan X dan Segitiga Langsung Menang Swimmiwng Fest,
tp jgn diidupin klo g lg pertandingan swimming lho!
C105E874 0050
800BFE64 0FA0
800BFE66 0000
Swimming-Fest slalu Full Staminanya
300BF336 0003
Tekan X Langsung Menang pertandingan yang lg berlangsung di
Sumo-Chicken Fest, tp jgn diidupin klo g lagi pertandingan..
D005E874 0050
800BF528 FC58
Menghentikan wkatu dg L1 + Segitiga (jam enam jadinya), klo mau idup lg R1 + Segitiga
D005E874 0014
3007937E 00FF
D007937E 00FF
80070CF8 0006
D007937E 00FF
80070CFA 0000
D007937E 00FF
80070D02 0168
D005E874 0018
3007937E 0032
Tekan Slect + Segitiga,langsung sampei lantai paling Bawah Wintermine..
(Gak usah coba" dtempat laen)
D005E874 0110
80071B00 D494
D005E874 0110
80071B02 FFFF
D005E874 0110
80071B04 F9E7
D005E874 0110
80071B06 FFFF
D005E874 0110
80071B08 22A9
D005E874 0110
80071B0A FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B00 D188
D005E874 0810
80071B02 FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B04 F960
D005E874 0810
80071B06 FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B08 1A72
D005E874 0810
80071B0A FFFF
Ada Juga Daftar Game PSX Emulatornya Langsung Download :
Link :
Hai Semuanya, Anda semua tau kan game ini, saya akan memberikan sebuah game kepada anda yaitu game Harvest Moon Back To Nature Bahasa Indonesia yang menggunakan PSX Emulator. sebelum memainkan game harvest moon yang harus kalian download adalah :
1. Download PSX Emulatornya, click atu copy paste link di bawah ini :
Link :
2. Download Game Harvest Moon-nya, click atau copy paste link di bawah ini :
Link :
3. Download Cheater-nya Kalaw anda mau nanti gua tau copy paste link di bawah ini :
Link :
4. Ada Juga Tips Cara Memainkan Game Harvest Moon, Click link di bawah ini :
Link :
Cara Main :
1. Kalaw sudah di download psx emulatornya harus di setting dulu, sebelum di setting extra file dulu kemudian buka psx emulatornya. Kalaw sudah, buka psx-nya, yang harus anda setting adalah :
- click CONFIG
- kemudian click WIZARD GUIDE
- lalau ada baca'an WELCOME TO THE EPSXE CONFIG SETUP [1/7] kamu
click CONFIG>>
- configuring the bios [2/7] kamu click SCPH 1001 - USA (recommended)
lalu click next>>
- configuring the video [3/7] kamu click P.E.Op.S. soft driver 1.18
lalu click next>>
- configuring the sounds [4/7] kamu click ePSXe SPU core 1.7.0.
lalu click next>>
- configuring the Cdrom [5/7] kamu click ePSXe CDR WNT/W2K core1.7.0.
lalu click next>>
- configuring the pads [6/7] kamu stting sendiri game pad-nya susuai yang anda inginkan (control 1)
lalu click next>>
- ePSXe Configuring [7/7] click done.
2. kalau selesai download game harvest moon-nya, extra file dulu. kemudian buka
ePSXe-nya yang udah di setting. lalu click file kemudian click lagi RUN Iso dan cari game harvest moon
yang sudah di extra file. selesai tinggal main-nya aja.
3. kalaw sudah di download psx cheater-nya, di install dulu kemudian ada install yang kosong kamu simpan
di PLUGIN terletak di data ePSXe-nya.
kalaw sudah di install. click cheater-nya.
kemudian kamu click file yang ada di pojok kiri. lalu clik user data base, lalu buat add cheat kemudian
beri nama misal HARVEST MOON CHEAT kemudian masukkan code di bawah ada 2 kolom masukkan
- Ini gan code cheat harvest moon-nya :
80070CF8 0006 Freeze Clock at 6:00AM (note that time doesn't actually
80070CFA 0000 freeze with this code; only the clock does)
80070D02 0168 Freeze time at 6:00AM (this one really DOES freeze time, but
it doesn't affect the clock)
80070D38 03E7 Maximum Lumber
80070D3A 03E7 Maximum Fodder
80070D3E 03E7 Maximum Fish Food
80070D40 03E7 Maximum Chicken Feed
800712BC 000A Have 10 Power Berries (NOTE: This doesn't actually boost your
stamina to 200! It only changes how many Power Berries show up in the
80071A1E 0002 Have 8 Rucksack Spaces (NOTE: Don't use this code! The game
thinks you still have the small rucksack, and you won't be able to store
items in your pack after you've put two items into it)
80071A40 FFFF Sickle is at 400%
80071A42 FFFF Hoe is at 400%
80071A44 FFFF Axe is at 400%
80071A46 FFFF Hammer is at 400%
80071A48 FFFF Watering Can is at 400%
80071A12 00C8 Stamina Never Runs Out (frozen at 200)
800711C4 0### Turnips Shipped
800711C6 0### Potatoes Shipped
800711C8 0### Cucumbers Shipped
800711CA 0### Strawberries Shipped
800711CC 0### Cabbages Shipped
800711CE 0### Tomatoes Shipped
800711D0 0### Corn Shipped
800711D2 0### Onions Shipped
800711D4 0### Pumpkins Shipped
800711D6 0### Pineapples Shipped
800711D8 0### Eggplants Shipped
800711DA 0### Carrots Shipped
800711DC 0### Sweet Potatoes Shipped
800711DE 0### Spinach Shipped
800711E0 0### Green Peppers Shipped
800711E2 0### Eggs Shipped
800711E4 0### Mayonnaise Shipped
800711E6 0### Milk Shipped
800711E8 0### Cheese Shipped
800711EA 0### Wool Shipped
800711EC 0### Yarn Balls Shipped
And some more discovered by me:
800711EE 0### Fish Shipped
800711F0 0### Blue Grass Shipped
800711F2 0### Red Grass Shipped
800711F4 0### Green Grass Shipped
30074302 00FF Chicken 1 has 10 Hearts
300743B6 00FF Chicken 2 has 10 Hearts
3007446A 00FF Chicken 3 has 10 Hearts
3007451E 00FF Chicken 4 has 10 Hearts
300745D2 00FF Chicken 5 has 10 Hearts
30074686 00FF Chicken 6 has 10 Hearts
3007473A 00FF Chicken 7 has 10 Hearts
300747EE 00FF Chicken 8 has 10 Hearts
300748A2 00FF Chicken 9 has 10 Hearts
30074956 00FF Chicken 10 has 10 Hearts
30074A0A 00FF Barn Animal 1 has 10 Hearts
30074AC2 00FF Barn Animal 2 has 10 Hearts
30074B7A 00FF Barn Animal 3 has 10 Hearts
30074C32 00FF Barn Animal 4 has 10 Hearts
30074CEA 00FF Barn Animal 5 has 10 Hearts
30074DA2 00FF Barn Animal 6 has 10 Hearts
30074E5A 00FF Barn Animal 7 has 10 Hearts
30074F12 00FF Barn Animal 8 has 10 Hearts
30074FCA 00FF Barn Animal 9 has 10 Hearts
30075082 00FF Barn Animal 10 has 10 Hearts
3007513A 00FF Barn Animal 11 has 10 Hearts
300751F2 00FF Barn Animal 12 has 10 Hearts
300752AA 00FF Barn Animal 13 has 10 Hearts
30075362 00FF Barn Animal 14 has 10 Hearts
3007541A 00FF Barn Animal 15 has 10 Hearts
300754D2 00FF Barn Animal 16 has 10 Hearts
3007558A 00FF Barn Animal 17 has 10 Hearts
30075642 00FF Barn Animal 18 has 10 Hearts
300756FA 00FF Barn Animal 19 has 10 Hearts
300757B2 00FF Barn Animal 20 has 10 Hearts
300759FA 00FF Dog has 10 Hearts
30075AEA 00FF Horse has 10 Hearts
80070D3C 00?? Fish in Pond (set anywhere between 0 and 63, same for both;
8012722E 00?? changes don't seem to stay, though!)
80127232 0000 No dead animals (changes won't stay)
80071A5C 967F Maximum Gold
80071A5E 0098
80071A60 967F Maximum Horse Race Medals
80071A62 0098
800711FC 967F Maximum Season's Earnings
800711FE 0098
80071200 0000 No Season's Expenses
800767A0 #### Karen's Affection
80076EF0 #### Ann's Affection
80077298 #### Elli's Affection
80077BBC #### Mary's Affection
800786B4 #### Popuri's Affection
0000 to 1337 = Black heart
1338 to 4E1F = Purple heart
4E20 to 752F = Blue heart
7530 to 9C3F = Green heart
9C40 to C34F = Yellow heart
C350 to EA5F = Orange heart
EA60 to FFFF = Red heart
Here are a few useful codes that sniperscope figured out:
300712F8 0001 Barn Feed Bin 1 Full
300712F9 0001 Barn Feed Bin 2 Full
300712FA 0001 Barn Feed Bin 3 Full
300712FB 0001 Barn Feed Bin 4 Full
300712FC 0001 Barn Feed Bin 5 Full
300712FD 0001 Barn Feed Bin 6 Full
300712FE 0001 Barn Feed Bin 7 Full
300712FF 0001 Barn Feed Bin 8 Full
30071300 0001 Barn Feed Bin 9 Full
30071301 0001 Barn Feed Bin 10 Full
30071302 0001 Barn Feed Bin 11 Full
30071303 0001 Barn Feed Bin 12 Full
30071304 0001 Barn Feed Bin 13 Full
30071305 0001 Barn Feed Bin 14 Full
30071306 0001 Barn Feed Bin 15 Full
30071307 0001 Barn Feed Bin 16 Full
30071308 0001 Barn Feed Bin 17 Full
30071309 0001 Barn Feed Bin 18 Full
3007130A 0001 Barn Feed Bin 19 Full
3007130B 0001 Barn Feed Bin 20 Full
3007130E 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 1 Full
3007130F 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 2 Full
30071310 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 3 Full
30071311 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 4 Full
30071312 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 5 Full
30071313 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 6 Full
30071314 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 7 Full
30071315 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 8 Full
30071316 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 9 Full
30071317 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 10 Full
This one was also devised by sniperscope:
8012DB4B 0000 Near-instant bite during fishing (you still need to hold down
the Square button, but not for long; the longest it will take is 2 seconds)
And finally, here's a few GameShark codes that I myself invented! I've
noticed that a few of these popped up on CMGSCCC "mysteriously" not too
long ago, despite the fact that I never submitted them... Maybe I just
never noticed them before, but it still seems suspicious.
30075A90 00## Dog's intelligence
30075B80 00## Horse's stamina
D005E874 ???? Joker Command
D005E87C ???? Joker Command
D01231F4 ???? Joker Command
Yes, there are three Joker commands, all of them normal Jokers. They all
work, too! What the heck is a Joker command anyway, you ask? When
enabled, Joker codes will cause the code right after them to only execute
when the conditions in the Joker Command variable are met, meaning that you
can make codes only work when you want them to (via button presses). The
values to use for these codes are as follows:
0000 - Nothing
0001 - L2
0002 - R2
0004 - L1
0008 - R1
0010 - Triangle
0020 - O
0040 - X
0080 - Square
0100 - Select
0800 - Start
1000 - Up
2000 - Right
4000 - Down
8000 - Left
To make a multi-button command, just add the digits together. Note that
these values are in hexadecimal, so (for example) L1 + R1 + R2 would be
000E. Also note that you should not use the last Joker command, as it
updates less often than the other two do.
80071AC2 #### Rucksack Slot 1 Modifier
80071AC8 #### Rucksack Slot 2 Modifier
80071ACE #### Rucksack Slot 3 Modifier
80071AD4 #### Rucksack Slot 4 Modifier
80071ADA #### Rucksack Slot 5 Modifier
80071AE0 #### Rucksack Slot 6 Modifier
80071AE6 #### Rucksack Slot 7 Modifier
80071AEC #### Rucksack Slot 8 Modifier
Kode" Ini memiliki penggunaan yg berbeda. Untu dgunakan ketika memasak, mereka menjadi
faktor "kelezatan" untuk lomba memasak tanggal 22 SPring.Untuk hal yg laenn,manfatnya belum dketahui..
Klo sekiranya tahu,hasilnya bagus untuk makanan, cepet" aja save angkanya..)
30074A1A 00?? Barn Animal 1 Mood Pattern
30074AD2 00?? Barn Animal 2 Mood Pattern
30074B8A 00?? Barn Animal 3 Mood Pattern
30074C42 00?? Barn Animal 4 Mood Pattern
30074CFA 00?? Barn Animal 5 Mood Pattern
30074DB2 00?? Barn Animal 6 Mood Pattern
30074E6A 00?? Barn Animal 7 Mood Pattern
30074F22 00?? Barn Animal 8 Mood Pattern
30074FDA 00?? Barn Animal 9 Mood Pattern
30075092 00?? Barn Animal 10 Mood Pattern
3007514A 00?? Barn Animal 11 Mood Pattern
30075202 00?? Barn Animal 12 Mood Pattern
300752BA 00?? Barn Animal 13 Mood Pattern
30075372 00?? Barn Animal 14 Mood Pattern
3007542A 00?? Barn Animal 15 Mood Pattern
300754E2 00?? Barn Animal 16 Mood Pattern
3007559A 00?? Barn Animal 17 Mood Pattern
30075652 00?? Barn Animal 18 Mood Pattern
3007570A 00?? Barn Animal 19 Mood Pattern
300757C2 00?? Barn Animal 20 Mood Pattern
Values for this so far are mostly unknown. Set to 0E to keep the animals
from moving about.
30074AA4 00## Barn Animal 1 Maturity
30074B5C 00## Barn Animal 2 Maturity
30074C14 00## Barn Animal 3 Maturity
30074CCC 00## Barn Animal 4 Maturity
30074D84 00## Barn Animal 5 Maturity
30074E3C 00## Barn Animal 6 Maturity
30074EF4 00## Barn Animal 7 Maturity
30074FAC 00## Barn Animal 8 Maturity
30075064 00## Barn Animal 9 Maturity
3007511C 00## Barn Animal 10 Maturity
300751D4 00## Barn Animal 11 Maturity
3007528C 00## Barn Animal 12 Maturity
30075344 00## Barn Animal 13 Maturity
300753FC 00## Barn Animal 14 Maturity
300754B4 00## Barn Animal 15 Maturity
3007546C 00## Barn Animal 16 Maturity
30075624 00## Barn Animal 17 Maturity
300756DC 00## Barn Animal 18 Maturity
30075794 00## Barn Animal 19 Maturity
3007584C 00## Barn Animal 20 Maturity
Set to 1F for maximum maturity.
80071A14 00C8 Maximum Stamina at 200
80071A16 0000 Never get sick (fatigue frozen at 0)
80070D14 #### Fish Shipped
800711EE #### Fish Shipped
30071A70 0000 Haven't littered at all
8007AD00 000? Today's Weather (does not actually change the weather, but
it does lead to some interesting situations)
8007AD02 000? Tomorrow's Weather (due to the way the save system works,
this will change the Weather to whatever you set it to for two days in a
row minimum, unless you set it up with a joker command)
0 = Sunny
1 = Rain
2 = Snow
3 = Hurricane
4 = Blizzard
300763F6 00## Jeff's affection
300765CA 00## Sasha's affection
30076972 00## Saibara's affection
30076B46 00## Gray's affection
30076D1A 00## Doug's affection
300770C2 00## Doctor's affection
3007746A 00## Pastor Carter's affection
3007763E 00## Cliff's affection
30077812 00## Basil's affection
300779E6 00## Anna's affection
30077D8E 00## Barley's affection
30077F62 00## May's affection
30078136 00## Mayor Thomas' affection
3007830A 00## Lillia's affection
300784DE 00## Rick's affection
30078886 00## Duke's affection
30078A5A 00## Manna's affection
30078C2E 00## Ellen's affection
30078E02 00## Gotz's affection
30078FD6 00## Kai's affection
30079552 00## Harris' affection
30079726 00## Kano's affection
300798FA 00## Gorumand's Affection
30079ACE 00## Louis' affection
30079CA2 00## Greg's affection
3007A04A 00## Stu's affection
3007A21E 00## Won's affection
3007A3F2 00## Your Baby's affection
3007A414 00## Your Baby's birthday (season)
3007A416 00## Your Baby's birthday (day)
3007A64E 00## Chef's affection
3007A746 00## Nappy's affection
3007A83E 00## Timid's affection
3007A936 00## Hoggy's affection
3007AA2E 00## Staid's affection
3007AB26 00## Bold's affection
3007AC1E 00## Aqua's affection
3007A6F0 000? Chef's Job
3007A6EC 00## Days left for Chef's Job
3007A6E6 00## Chef Harvesting Skill
3007A6E8 00## Chef Watering Skill
3007A6EA 00## Chef Animal Skill
3007A7E8 000? Nappy's Job
3007A7E4 00## Days left for Nappy's Job
3007A7DE 00## Nappy Harvesting Skill
3007A7E0 00## Nappy Watering Skill
3007A7E2 00## Nappy Animal Skill
3007A8E0 000? Timid's Job
3007A8DC 00## Days left for Timid's Job
3007A8D6 00## Timid Harvesting Skill
3007A8D8 00## Timid Watering Skill
3007A8DA 00## Timid Animal Skill
3007A9D8 000? Hoggy's Job
3007A9D4 00## Days left for Hoggy's Job
3007A9CE 00## Hoggy Harvesting Skill
3007A9D0 00## Hoggy Watering Skill
3007A9D2 00## Hoggy Animal Skill
3007AAD0 000? Staid's Job
3007AACC 00## Days left for Staid's Job
3007AAC6 00## Staid Harvesting Skill
3007AAC8 00## Staid Watering Skill
3007AACA 00## Staid Animal Skill
3007ABC8 000? Bold's Job
3007ABC4 00## Days left for Bold's Job
3007ABBE 00## Bold Harvesting Skill
3007ABC0 00## Bold Watering Skill
3007ABC2 00## Bold Animal Skill
3007ACC0 000? Aqua's Job
3007ACBC 00## Days left for Aqua's Job
3007ACB6 00## Aqua Harvesting Skill
3007ACB8 00## Aqua Watering Skill
3007ACBA 00## Aqua Animal Skill
Values for Harvest Sprite Jobs:
0 = Free
1 = Harvest the crops (sickle icon)
2 = Water the crops
3 = Harvest the crops (watering can icon)
4 = Take care of the animals
80071CC4 00?? Wedding Date (day of month)
80071CC2 00?? Wedding Date (season)
80071CC0 00?? Wedding Date (year)
800711F8 #### Total value of produce being shipped for the day
800711FA ####
300712C0 00## Total items currently in the basket
800712F4 #### Total value of produce in the basket
800712F6 ####
Gak akan Pernah badai!!
D007AD02 0003
8007AD02 0000
D007AD02 0004
8007AD02 0000
Tekan X dan Segitiga Langsung Menang Swimmiwng Fest,
tp jgn diidupin klo g lg pertandingan swimming lho!
C105E874 0050
800BFE64 0FA0
800BFE66 0000
Swimming-Fest slalu Full Staminanya
300BF336 0003
Tekan X Langsung Menang pertandingan yang lg berlangsung di
Sumo-Chicken Fest, tp jgn diidupin klo g lagi pertandingan..
D005E874 0050
800BF528 FC58
Menghentikan wkatu dg L1 + Segitiga (jam enam jadinya), klo mau idup lg R1 + Segitiga
D005E874 0014
3007937E 00FF
D007937E 00FF
80070CF8 0006
D007937E 00FF
80070CFA 0000
D007937E 00FF
80070D02 0168
D005E874 0018
3007937E 0032
Tekan Slect + Segitiga,langsung sampei lantai paling Bawah Wintermine..
(Gak usah coba" dtempat laen)
D005E874 0110
80071B00 D494
D005E874 0110
80071B02 FFFF
D005E874 0110
80071B04 F9E7
D005E874 0110
80071B06 FFFF
D005E874 0110
80071B08 22A9
D005E874 0110
80071B0A FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B00 D188
D005E874 0810
80071B02 FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B04 F960
D005E874 0810
80071B06 FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B08 1A72
D005E874 0810
80071B0A FFFF
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Download Game Harvest Moon BTN
Reviewed by faisal
April 06, 2014

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